为忙碌的企业家和商业领袖, Client Accounting Services, or CAS for short, can offer huge benefits. As a business leader, you’re well aware of the importance of reliable accounting and financial reporting to the success of your business. However, it’s fair to say many businesses lack the resources and expertise to successfully staff and manage their own internal accounting department.

In these scenarios, the solution lies in outsourcing their accounting needs to an external accounting firm that provides client accounting services. 这是许多会计公司多年来一直提供的服务. 多亏了最近科技的发展, such as the advent of cloud-based accounting platforms and dramatically improved remote communication tools, 现在把你的会计外包出去比过去任何时候都容易. 因此,客户会计服务正在迅速普及.

如果你到现在还没有外包过任何会计工作, 不确定它是否适合你的业务是很自然的. You might lack clarity on the types of accounting tasks you can outsource to an external partner or not realize the benefits you stand to experience from taking this approach.

In this overview, we’ll outline exactly what client accounting services are and share the accounting tasks that can be outsourced. We’ll also explore the benefits businesses can unlock from outsourcing their accounting needs to an experienced client accounting services provider like LBMC.



这里有一个简单的定义:当企业将其CAS外包时, 这仅仅意味着他们外包了一些, or all, 将他们的会计流程转给外部会计公司.

企业可以自由选择他们想要外包的任务. These are typically tasks that would be performed by an internal accounting department, 包括准备财务报告和管理工资. 取决于服务提供商, 企业可以外包部分或全部的会计流程.

Client accounting services are often referred to as outsourced accounting services. 这些服务通常是正在进行的约定. 企业倾向于长期与同一个CAS提供商合作, 并且经常会增加额外的服务, such as tax planning 或战略咨询服务.


这取决于你选择与CAS公司合作, 把各种会计工作都外包出去是可能的. These can vary from setting up your accounting infrastructure to helping shape the future financial strategy of your business.


  1. Bookkeeping services
  2. 会计及财务总监服务
  3. 首席财务官服务

Let’s take a closer look at the sorts of tasks that can be outsourced under these three categories.

Bookkeeping Services

簿记是所有好会计的基础. It’s a relatively low-level position but one that’s vital to the success of your business. It’s the bookkeeper’s role to organize your financial data and ensure your records are accurate.


  • Reconciling bank accounts
  • 维护分类账并记录交易
  • Payroll
  • 跟踪应收账款和应付账款

这些任务中的大多数相对单调且耗时, and as such, 对于企业家和企业主来说,这是一种真正的消耗. 将这些服务外包给CAS公司, leaders can reclaim their time and rest easy knowing their financial records will be accurate.


除了简单的簿记任务, there are also more advanced accounting tasks that entrepreneurs can outsource to a CAS provider. 这使企业主不必以全职工资雇佣专门的注册会计师. Instead, they can access the services of external CPAs who work for CAS firms on an as-needed basis.

Popular accounting tasks that can be outsourced to a client accounting service include:

  • 建立并持续管理数字会计工具
  • 财务报告,包括创建重要的报告,如利润 & 亏损表和资产负债表
  • 与外部金融合作伙伴(如银行和贷方)进行沟通

这些任务中的许多将构成一个 Controller. For that reason, some CAS providers brand these services as “outsourced controller services”. 虽然不同的公司之间可能会有一些差异, 会计服务和控制人服务大致相似.


许多CAS事务所只提供簿记和会计服务, 但也有一些公司提供更高级的服务:外包首席财务官, or CFO. 这项服务更倾向于战略咨询业务, offering businesses access to proven financial leadership that helps them to reach their financial goals on an accelerated timeline.

外包CFO可以提供多种服务. Many outsourced CFO services take a flexible approach and provide advisory services tailored to the unique needs of your business.

Services typically include:

  • Defining financial strategy
  • 财务预测及预算
  • 建立内部财务控制和业务流程
  • 监督债务或股权融资流程

Partnering with an outsourced CFO allows businesses of any size to leverage the expertise and skills of distinguished financial leaders. These services are often provided as a consulting engagement and may only last for a short period, 尽管许多企业都在与外包的首席财务官合作.


Outsourcing your accounting needs to a CAS provider offers businesses many benefits. In simple terms, working with a client accounting services firm gives businesses access to high-quality accounting services at a fraction of the cost they would pay to have equivalent standards in-house.

除此之外还有很多其他的好处. Outsourcing accounting frees up more time for business owners to work on growing their businesses. 没有必要花时间去招聘, onboarding, and managing an accounting team––everything is outsourced to a team that has all the tools and processes they need to hit the ground running.

与合适的CAS公司合作可以确保严格的, detailed approach to accounting that leverages best practices from across the financial industry. Business owners will benefit from increased clarity into their financial position and access to proven financial leadership that helps them move their business forward.


At LBMC, we’re proud to provide client accounting services to many different kinds of businesses––from established companies to innovative startups.

It’s our philosophy to base our client accounting services on the needs of our clients. To that end, we offer a wide range of services encompassing everything from basic bookkeeping to advanced CFO-level guidance. We bring an entrepreneurial spirit to everything we do and understand what it takes to help take your business to the next level.

您准备好将部分或全部会计需求外包给LBMC了吗? Contact us today.